If you don’t want to see a woman breastfeed in public, look away. It really is that simple
It is a tale as old as time (and we mean it’s getting really, really old). It seems complete strangers still feel no shame asking mothers who are feeding their children to cover themselves so they can feel comfortable in public. What’s almost as concerning as the stories themselves is the frequency with which breastfeeding mothers are still being made to feel shame about how they feed their child. One Tennessee photographer decided she’d had enough and came up with a beautiful and creative way to confront the issue.
Nicki Kaylor, who owns Nicki Kaylor Photography decided to put a photo series together called ‘Latched with Love’ and share it on Facebook to address the continued harassment some mothers get while breastfeeding in public. “Absolutely no mother should be in public, feeling ashamed because her baby is hungry and she has to feed it,” Kaylor tells Scary Mommy. “I did this as a movement, simply to normalize breastfeeding.” She wants others to feel that it’s not only perfectly natural, but it is also perfectly acceptable to nurse even if you aren’t covered.
“The judgement and awkward stares against breastfeeding need to end,” Kaylor writes in her post. “Nurturing your child from your body is something SO special. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks. It takes a lot of determination.”

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography
Many people have joined the movement to normalize breastfeeding in an attempt to take the stigma away from women who are simply trying to feed their child. Women should not have to go into a bathroom or hot car just to make others comfortable. If you don’t like it, look away and carry on about your day. Period.

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography
“Mothers who breastfeed should be applauded, not judged nor stared at,” Kaylor says. For the shoot, Kaylor photographed nine women, asking them to pose with a negative comment they’ve heard while breastfeeding in public. “Through any catty remarks, they still stand PROUDLY nursing,” Kaylor writes. “These remarks are NOT okay.”

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography
Kaylor tells Scary Mommy the reactions thus far have been positive. “A lot of breastfeeding mothers that have seen my series refer to it as refreshing to see and relate to the fullest. There have been a few ugly comments, but overall, the outpour of love and appreciation is incredible.”

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography

Image via Nicki Kaylor Photography
Kaylor hopes this helps give women the confidence to continue breastfeeding whenever and wherever they choose. “It’s normal. It’s natural. It’s beautiful.”